Elizabeth Humphreys
Head of the Department of Science Operations
Dr. Liz Humphreys joined the ALMA project in September 2009 as an astronomer in the European ALMA Regional Centre (ARC).
She was appointed Deputy Head of the ARC Department in 2016. She received her Ph.D. at the University of Bristol, UK, and performed postdocs at Onsala Space Observatory in Sweden and at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, before joining the European Southern Observatory (ESO).
In the ALMA project, Liz has previously been the ALMA Pipeline Sub-system scientist and is currently the ALMA Observing Tool deputy Sub-system scientist. She also spent six months in Chile as part of the ALMA Commissioning Team in 2010-2011. Her main research interests are masers, the study of circumstellar envelopes around evolved stars and the central parsecs of AGN.