Jorge Ibsen

Jorge Ibsen

Head of Computing and Acting Head of Engineering

Jorge Ibsen joined the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in 1997, and spent many years working first as a software engineer and later as the Software and Communications deputy team lead at La Silla Observatory.

His involvement with ALMA formally began in 2004 when he was transferred to ESO's headquarters in Garching, Germany to work within the European Computing Integrated Product Team, specifically in the Control and Integration and Test subsystems; however, he had been using the ALMA software infrastructure since 2002 through his involvement with APEX software development.

In 2007, he was seconded to the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) in Chile in a new role as Software Group Manager with the mission to develop the group in preparation for the ramp up of activities at the ALMA site.

Since March 2010, Jorge serves as the Head of the ALMA Department of Computing. This department presently includes information technology, software, and the archive operations groups. Starting 2013, he also leads the Integrated Computing Team, a collaborative worldwide team which will include all ALMA's software engineers, both at the ALMA Executives and the JAO, who are charged with supporting and maintaining the ALMA software infrastructure and services in operations.

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